

  • Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment

    Neuropsychological assessment typically involves 3-4 hours of face-to-face contact. This includes a detailed clinical interview and comprehensive testing of cognitive abilities (e.g., intelligence, memory, learning and executive functions) using standardised tests and questions. Opinion regarding diagnosis / prognosis and treatment recommendations are provided in a 6-8 page report.

    Cost: Depending on the referral question, complexity of the case and purpose of the assessment, cost of assessment and a detailed report typically ranges from $880 to $2800.

  • Abbreviated Neuropsychological Testing

    In cases where a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment is impractical or unaffordable, abbreviated neuropsychological testing provides information about general level of cognitive functioning, including memory and executive functioning, and may reveal areas of gross dysfunction. Brief neuropsychological testing takes 60 minutes. Testing involves completing standardised tests and questions. Brief testing is insufficient to answer questions about diagnosis and/or prognosis.

    Cost: Neuropsychological testing plus a brief report = $330

  • Intelligence Testing

    This involves comprehensive testing of intelligence, including verbal and visuo-spatial abilities, working memory and processing speed. Testing involves completing standardised tests and questions.

    Cost: Intelligence testing plus a brief report = $440

  • Cognitive Remediation

    Evidence in the neuropsychological literature consistently shows that targeted cognitive remediation can improve functioning in memory, attention and executive functions. Our flagship cognitive remediation program runs for 10 weeks, including one individual and one group session per week. All group and individual sessions are facilitated by Clinical Neuropsychologists.

    Cost: $2,200 - $3,300 depending on funding source and facilitators. Out of pocket expenses can be as low as $0 with NDIS or other insurance funding. Medicare rebates may apply with a Mental Health Care Plan from a GP or referral from a Psychiatrist.

Please phone us on 1300 224 331 or email us at enquiries@neurotreatment.com.au if you have any questions about these services.

Brain Functioning